Understanding the Lived Experiences of the Generalist Teachers in an Inclusive Classroom
This study attempted to capture the lived experiences of generalist teachers in inclusive classrooms, shedding light on the challenges and strategies they employ to foster an environment of learning and growth for diverse student populations. The study involved eight (8) teachers from Tangub City Central School and Sumirap Central School, selected through purposive sampling. Utilizing qualitative data collection methods and Braun and Clarke's thematic analysis, four significant themes emerged: (1) Challenging and Rewarding Experiences, (2) Overcoming Communication Barriers, (3) Employing Inclusive Strategies and Classroom Management, and (4) Maintaining Professional Development. The findings underscore the need for comprehensive strategies to facilitate inclusive classrooms that cater to the needs of both students and educators. Recommendations include government-led training programs for teachers, fostering collaboration between teachers and parents, promoting peer support, and refining assessment methods to monitor student progress effectively. By implementing these suggestions, the research hopes to contribute to the development of more inclusive and effective learning environments.
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