Enhancement of Students’ English Vocabulary Skills Through A Mobile Assisted Language Learning (Mall) App


  • Mary Gatlabayan San Jose National High School


This study sought to determine the Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) effectiveness in improving the students' English vocabulary skills. MALL is a successful way of increasing learners' motivation since it makes the language learning content more meaningful and exciting. The use of mobile phones, which are prevalent in most students' lives, can assist teachers in teaching vocabulary and that can assist students in learning. They are no longer just communication devices; they are also helpful computers that fit into students' pockets, are almost always on, and can be used in any learning. This study used the quantitative research design, specifically the quasi-experimental method, using pre-test and post-test to determine the impact of the independent variable, MALL, on the dependent variable, students' vocabulary skills. As the study showed an average score of 14.77 and 23.70 for the pretest vocabulary and post-test vocabulary, it can be concluded that mobile-assisted language learning platforms are beneficial, and an improvement of the students' English vocabulary skills can be observed. The study also showed results for different factors that affect system acceptance and learning, such as the ease of use, usability, efficacy, compatibility, and the intention to use.


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