anxiety, second language, writing, language learning, performanceAbstract
Language learning anxiety is a specific anxiety reaction that occurs only when a language learner is thinking about language learning, participating in a language class, or studying a language. The study aims to establish the effects of anxiety to the writing performance among the college students of JRMSU System enrolled in English 12 communication class during the second semester of academic year 2015-2016. The correlational research method was employed in the study adapting Cheng English Writing Anxiety Scale (EWAS) and writing performance. The statistical tools used were frequency count, mean computations, t-test, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Mann-Whitney Test, and Spearman Rank. The study reveals that students’ language anxiety is moderate and their writing performance is average. Findings reveal that there is a significant relationship between anxiety and students’ writing performance. Findings also indicate the statistically significant difference on the writing performance of the respondents as to campus and age, yet there is no significant difference as to sex. However, there is no significant difference on the level of anxiety of the students as to age, sex and campus. This study recommends that instructors should seek more effective ways to ease the anxiety that students might feel when learning and writing in English so as to support successful language learning experiences.
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