Code-Switching Types and Functions: An Analysis of Andrew E’s “SINABMARIN”
The goal of this study is to analyze the code-switching in the lyrics of Andrew E's “Sinabmarin” in order to categorize the different forms of code-switching and pinpoint their functions. In addition, the study also aims to learn the frequency of the code-switching phenomenon in the song. The research utilized the models of Hoffman (1991) for the types of code-switching and Appel and Muysken (2006) for the code-switching functions. The choice of this approach was influenced by the fact that the study’s data are expressed as song lyrics and other musical expressions. The qualitative research approach will be utilized and data will be presented by means of numbers and tables. The findings show that the lyrics to Andrew E.'s song “Sinabmarin” have 64 total frequencies for the types of code-switching and 60 total instances of the functions of code-switching in the eight (8) stanzas of the song. Present in the results are the three different forms of code-switching: intra-sentential code-switching, inter-sentential code-switching, and tag switching. Out of the six functions involved in code swapping, five were found to exist, according to the study's findings. Additionally, it was discovered that the intra-sentential type of code-switching and poetic functions appeared more frequently in the lyrics of Andrew E.'s song “Sinabmarin”, whereas phatic function was completely absent.
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