Exploration on Educators’ Vocabulary Strategies in Dealing with the Difficulties Encountered By Grade 8 ESL Learners
In a classroom where teachers’ strategies matter, their primary role is to help learners deal with their difficulties in accordance with the demands of the 21st-century teaching and learning process. Teachers’ observations matter in identifying vocabulary development difficulties that might hamper their comprehension. This study seeks to identify the strategies used by 11 Grade 8 English teachers with 5 – 10 years of teaching experience in regular public schools. Findings from empirical data such as interviews and document-based sources reveal that lack of exposure to new words, lack of fluency and proficiency in the English language, and negative attitude towards reading are some of the difficulties encountered by learners. In addition, vocabulary strategies such as using online learning platforms, games, and conventional strategies were suggested as effective in addressing learners’ needs. It is recommended that learners’ ways of learning must be considered in order to help them with programs and interventions that will promote vocabulary development which enables and helps them accomplish individual and group tasks, engage in different conversations and work with different speeches as well. This study adheres to the importance of school administrators, curriculum designers, and language policymakers in devising a program that can help the learners develop their reading comprehension as well.
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