About the Journal
About The Journal
The NMSCST Research Journal is a multidisciplinary journal of Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology, which aims to publish research articles in sciences, social sciences, technology, agriculture, teacher education, and language and communication. This journal is an annual publication of the institution, which seeks to unify these branches of inquiry by publishing quality, peer-reviewed research articles.
The Journal is open to all researchers from various disciplines of different universities and research agencies in the Philippines. The publication is free of charge, but only quality papers are accepted.
Aims and Scope
The NMSCST Research Journal is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal which aims to publish annually research articles in the sciences, social sciences, technology, agriculture, teacher education, and language and communication. The contributors come from different universities and research agencies in the Philippines and outside the country. Submitted papers are products of an original work and have not been previously published.
Peer Review Process
The Peer Review (also known as refereeing) is the process of subjecting an author’s scholarly work, research or ideas to the scrutiny of experts in the same field. It is a way of ensuring that the articles published are of high quality with minimal probability of errors.
The NMSCST Research Journal adopts the double-blind review process wherein the reviewer and the author do not know each other’s identity. It is the obligation of the Editorial Team to assign the peer reviewers for a particular manuscript submitted for publication. These peer reviewers are not selected from among colleagues and those who are in close association with the author(s). Likewise, the editorial staff ensures that the peer reviewers must hold the distinction of having published in ISI or indexed journals, and have the expertise of the topic under review. Two external referees are invited for each research paper. However, only the paper that meets the editorial criteria is sent for formal review. Once a referee accepts the invitation, within a specified time frame (within 2 to 4 weeks), the referee provides feedback through the online journal system of NMSCST. Subsequently, the management evaluates the referee’s decision and comments before notifying the author(s) about the result of refereeing.
A manuscript is accepted when it is endorsed for publication by the two (2) referees; the instructions of reviewers are substantially complied; ethical standard and protocols are followed for studies, including humans and animals; and manuscript passed the plagiarism detection with at least 85% for originality and at least 80% of grammar issues. Otherwise, it is rejected.
The editors make decisions based on the reviewer’s advice, from among several possibilities;
- Accept, with or without revision.
- Invite the authors to revise their manuscript to specific concerns before a final decision is reached.
- Reject, but indicate to the authors that they may resubmit the manuscript if revised thoroughly.
- Reject outright, typically on grounds of technical and/or interpretational problems.
Authors are advised to use licensed software for plagiarism detection and to perform spelling and grammar checks prior to paper submission.
Publication Frequency
NMSCST Research Journal is published annually, both print and online.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides open access to its content for wider dissemination of research findings and to support a worldwide exchange of knowledge.
Copyright Notice
The copyright of the article will be transferred to the NMSCST Research Journal and to the Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology.
Once the paper is accepted for publication, the authors must accomplish and submit the copyright transfer document to NMSCST Research Journal via email.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their papers do not infringe any existing copyright.
The NMSCST Research Journal and NMSCST shall not be held responsible for any infringement related to publication of unoriginal and fraudulent articles submitted by the authors.
Privacy Statement
Any private information entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal.
Journal Publisher
Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology
Site Map
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* J-HERD Journal
* NMSCST Reseacrh Journal
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