Localized Apparatus and Interactive Computer Simulation in Teaching Projectile Motion
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of localized apparatus and computer interactive simulation in teaching projectile motion. It also intended to measure the interest of the students in using localized apparatus and computer interactive simulation. The respondents of this study were the Grade 9 students of Ali-is Integrated School during the school year 2019-2020. The researcher utilized the descriptive-correlational method of research and employed validated questionnaires that measured the performance of students and their attitudes toward physics lessons and experiments. The statistical tools used in this study included weighted mean, arithmetic mean, t-test for dependent and independent data, and spearman rho. The study revealed that there was an increase in students’ performance after utilizing the localized apparatus and computer interactive simulation. It was also found that both groups of students had very high interest in both approaches and enjoyed the activities because of the utilization of localized apparatus and computer interactive simulation. Moreover, it was revealed that there was no significant
relationship between the students’ level of interest in localized apparatus and computer interactive simulation and their posttest performance. This means that their interest is not a determinant of their performance. In general, the localized apparatus and computer interactive simulation were found to be effective in improving the students’ conceptual understanding of projectile motion, thus improving their performance.
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