Effectiveness of Localized Apparatus and Mobile Application in Teaching Cosine Laws
The objective of this research was to assess the efficiency of using a localized apparatus along with a mobile application for instructing the principles of cosine laws. It also intended to measure the level of interest of the students in using the two interventions. There were 20 senior high school participants for each group. The study utilized custom-designed surveys to evaluate both the academic performance and the level of interest displayed by the students when engaging with the two instructional methods. In this study, various statistical techniques were employed, such as accuracy assessment, standard deviation analysis, mean calculations, t-tests for both dependent and independent data, and the Spearman's rho correlation. The findings from the research indicated a notable improvement in student performance following the implementation of localized apparatus and mobile application in teaching. It was also found out that students who have used localized apparatus portrayed higher interest compared to the students who have used mobile application.
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