A Case Study of Child’s English Language Acquisition
The study delved into the English language acquisition of two young children who have been exposed to television and digital media at an early age. It is a qualitative research under the two-case study type. The two children who served as the subjects of the study were purposively selected. Video compilations, an interview guide, a checklist for subject-observation, and an open-ended questionnaire were utilized in gathering data. The findings revealed that the subjects’ early exposure to TV and digital media programs contributed to their grasp of the English language. Nevertheless, it was found that language input from the family members played a vital role in the two children’s language acquisition. Also, the results indicated that early detection of a child’s preferred and learned language is important to effectively assist him/her in the process of learning, while late detection of the child’s learned language causes problems on the part of the child. The results further showed that late detection hinders the child from effectively interacting with his/her environment and causes him/her to suffer from negative social experiences.
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